Service Quality, Hospitality and Cultural Differences

In this course you will learn the things that are important when serving tourists in general and identify the common characteristics associated with individual nationalities.

Remember that it would be wrong to assume that a particular characteristic is the norm for an entire nation, so it is impossible to precisely say how any given nation is. Every person from every country has their individual traits of behavior and consequently may not fit the national stereotype.

The course is open for four weeks.


To realize the importance of providing superior customer service.

To recognize that body language and first impressions are important.

To increase cultural awareness.

To explain why employees need to fully understand the company's products and services to make helpful suggestions and offer useful tips to customers.

To understand that going the extra mile is often simply doing the little thing.


Fyrirlestur og verkefni.

Helstu upplýsingar

  • Tími
    11. október 2023
  • Lengd
    10 klst.
  • Umsjón
    Margrét Reynisdóttir
  • Staðsetning
    Vefnám utan rauntíma sem hægt er að nálgast hvar og hvenær sem er á námstímanum
  • Tegund
  • Verð
    18.500 kr. / Námskeiðið er félagsfólki aðildarfélaga og samstarfssjóða að kostnaðarlausu
  • Gott að vita
Skráningu á þetta námskeið hefur verið lokað!
  • Mat
  • Tengiliður námskeiðs
    Björg Valsdóttir


11.10.2023Service Quality, Hospitality and Cultural Differences00:0000:00Margrét Reynisdóttir